IV European Convention of the IF-EPFCL

Meeting School:
The Passe: Experience and Testimonies

Meeting IF:
The Symptom in Psychoanalysis

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Venice 12-14 July 2025
Aula Magna  "G.Cazzavillan" Università Ca'Foscari
Canaregio 873, Fondamenta San Giobbe

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Meeting School
The Passe: Experience and Testimonies .


Possit tritani consectetuer eu his, nusquam minimum ut per, eu eos ocurreret splendide hendrerit. Dicant placerat democritum eos id, sit mollis invidunt mediocritatem ei, ne fuisset dolores periculis sed.

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What is the passe?
Proposing the pass as a clinical event and as a dispositive for the «guarantee» of an analyst…

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Meeting IF
The Symptom in Psychoanalysis


Possit tritani consectetuer eu his, nusquam minimum ut per, eu eos ocurreret splendide hendrerit. Dicant placerat democritum eos id, sit mollis invidunt mediocritatem ei, ne fuisset dolores periculis sed.

Wanna know more about the Premium deal?

See the full range of Premium

What is the symptom?
In the first place, it is the casket of a truth of the subject...

Keep Reading

Sub-themes of the IV Convention

What are the transformations of the symptom during an analysis?

The analytic symptom in children and adolescents

How to decipher or interpret the symptom?

The psychoanalyst as a partner of the symptom?

Scientific Committee IF

Et nominavi necessitatibus per. In eos libris inimicus, pri novum viris quaerendum at.
Zehra Eryörük
Rosa Escapa
Francisco José Santos Garrido
Isabella Grande
Orsa Kamperou
Paola Malquori
Colette Soler
Natacha Vellut

Organising Committee

Cu sit case consequat complectitur. An putant dolorem ceteros quo. Modo omnesque constituto cu cum.
Moreno Blascovich
Francesca Baggio
Annalisa Bucciol
Elisa Flora Cestari
Kety Ceolin
Mario Colucci
Domenico Ferrara
Patrizia Gilli
Paola Grifo
Manuela Landini
Antonella Loriga
Elena Marotti
Massimiliano Paparella
Silvana Perich
Caterina Santaniello
Michela Sivieri
Francesco Stoppa
Flavia Tagliafierro

Register now to reserve your place at the IV IF-EPFCL European Conference 2025 in Venice